Refrigerator maintenance….something not talked about very often. And truly there isn’t a lot of maintenance required other than general cleaning. However there is one important maintenance item for refrigerators that you do need to be doing.


If you have a refrigerator that has the water/ice dispenser, you need to be changing your water filter. That’s right….just like a Brita filter, your refrigerator also has a filter that needs to be changed.


refrigerator, maintenance, filter


The filter should be located in the top corner on whichever side your water/ice dispenser is located. There is a small drain hole underneath the filter which you will want to put a bowl or cup under to catch any water when you remove the filter. Simply twist the filter in the direction it tells you and remove. Use the existing filter to know which one to replace it with (these can be purchased on Amazon, Lowes, Home Depot, or numerous filter suppliers online).

refrigerator, maintenance, filter


Photo Credit – Google Images


After you receive your replacement, remove existing filter again and simply insert new filter and twist in the direction indicated to lock. Easy peasy lemon squeezy…’ve just changed your refrigerator filter. Change per recommendations on your individual filter. My filter which is an HDX FML-2 pictured above says to change every 6 months.


refrigerator, maintenance, filter


(Also, I would like to point out that my hand lost the battle with an avocado. Removing avocado pit – 1, Amanda – 0.)


Go ahead and add this to your calendar so you remember to replace it. The filter should tell you how often to replace it. If it doesn’t, look up your filter model number online and it should tell you.




***Steel Toed Stilettos, LLC and its sole owner, Amanda Miller cannot be held responsible for your safety, your use of power tools, or outcome of any home improvement/DIY projects you choose to undertake and/or complete. Amanda Miller is not a licensed engineer and therefore all designs are what she has found to work for her personal use and neither she nor Steel Toed Stilettos LLC will be held responsible for any injury, illness, or other claims associated with her designs, plans, or projects.***  




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