I decided to take a break from home maintenance this week……


In light of how much our lives have changed in just the past few weeks, I wanted to use this week’s blog post to give y’all my top 7 tips for productively working from home without going insane. I personally love working from home. Even though my job doesn’t always lend itself to working from home, I am fortunately in a phase where I can very easily work efficiently and effectively from home. I am so thankful to  be able to do this and especially to still have my job. I know there are so many people out there right now who have lost their jobs, and my heart is with y’all.


I do know that working from home is different and is a change so I wanted to share what I do that really helps me be productive and keeps me sane.




You don’t have to wear what you would wear to the office, but definitely change out of those sweats. Even if you put joggers and a half-tucked T or leggings and a cute yoga top. Working in pajamas is only fun for a day. Getting dressed immediately makes you feel put together and confident which translates into your work day. And of course, if you have video conferences as part of your work, definitely look professional on top.




I know it is very tempting to work from the couch or your bed……maybe with some Netflix on in the background. But, let me just save you from this one. Don’t even start this habit. It is not productive, and it won’t actually end up being fun anyway. Set up a designated work space in your home. Maybe you already have a home office or have a corner of a spare bedroom that you can convert to a home office. If not, the dining room table will work just fine. Just make sure you have everything you need: office supplies, monitors, printer, etc. that you need to perform your work. If you have to participate in video conferencing, just make sure you have a nice background which isn’t cluttered. Having this work space will also help set a boundary for the rest of your family members….when you are at your work space, you are “at work”. Of course, this may look different if you have very young children, but it can definitely help set a boundary with significant others and older children.


working from home, tips, work from home during covid-19, working from home during corona virus, mental health

As comfy and tempting as this looks, don’t work from the couch




This one’s for the girls….you don’t have to do this everyday, but if definitely helps. It doesn’t even have to be your full routine, but doing some minimalist makeup just gives me confidence and similar to getting dressed, just helps me conquer my work day. You’re probably thinking right about now, “But Amanda, I’m not even going to see anyone”. Exactly…. it has never been about anyone else, but how it makes you feel, right??? Or if your normal is no makeup, do that. Just do your “normal”.




Most humans do well with routine. While it’s always good to have balance and not be regimented about everything, having a routine while working from home is a necessity in my opinion. Set a block schedule, keep your normal meal times as you would if you were going to the office. Maybe you get up, sip your coffee on the porch, go through your getting ready routine and then begin work. This will help ensure your productivity is at its highest. Rolling out of bed straight to your computer is not the best idea.




No, I am not saying don’t do your work. But think about it, you are used to a coworker popping in your office and speaking to you for a minute, or a lunch break with your coworkers. Generally, breaking up the monotony of any activity is a sure booster for productivity. My breaks generally look like a few minutes out in the sunshine while my dogs take a potty break and enjoy the sunshine. Then it’s back to my desk and I’m ready to tackle the next block of work.




Ok, this one will depend on where you live and what restrictions you have in place. However, if you are able, get out of the house at the end of your work-day. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Walk your dog. Or, even do an at-home workout. Whatever you do, I advise getting out of your house, even if it’s just in the yard.

working from home, tips, work from home during covid-19, working from home during corona virus, mental health

Get out of the house and exercise




Aaaand for my final tip. Ok, again this one may be difficult if you have young children who are now at home with you; you may be working whichever hours/minutes you can, whether that is 6 am or 8 pm after they are in bed. However, if you are able, set your normal work hours and follow them. Just because you are home, doesn’t mean you should be working all hours. Yes, get your work done, but just keep a schedule. When it is work time, treat it as such, and don’t worry about the dishes in the sink or the laundry that needs washing. Only focus on work. On the flip-side, once you are done with your work day, do your best to turn it off and focus on “home life”. This could be completing your chores, enjoying your hobbies, or spending time with your family.


I hope these tips help you. They are vital to my success in working from home, my productivity, and my mental health. If you have another tip, drop it in the comments! Again, I am very thankful that I still have my job, and that I am able to work from home, but I understand this change can definitely take some navigating, especially for you to be your most productive self.







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